Little Ireland - Breathtaking landscapes

Le Cap de la Hague

Moors, cliffs and dunes offer exceptional and wild views and landscapes to be explored along the customs officers' trail. Marine lights have inspired many painters just as they fascinated Jacques Prévert who came to live here.

Some landmarks along the Route des Caps

Listed park of romantic inspiration. Splendid site.

Splendid view on the cliffs of Gréville-Hague

Former seigneurial farmhouse turned cultural space
Restaurant du Port Omonville la Rogue La Hague

Regional flavours - locally caught fish.

Magnificent start to the hike along the customs path.

The last refuge of this poet in love with the Hague.

"The smallest port in France
certainly one of the most charming!

Cuisine from here and elsewhere based on local products.

A windy end of the world. Beautiful!

Spicy flavours and smells for a gastronomic journey

One of the most beautiful panoramas in the Hague.

Charm and poetry in the image of the wonderful poet.

Among the highest cliffs in Europe.

Vast panorama with bewitching lights.

A surprisingly exotic traveller's garden.

An astonishing nature reserve to be approached via the ThĂ´t panorama.

A dune massif offering a unique spectacle. It's magical!

halfway between bistronomy and gastronomy. Les Pieux